Pune Police on Wednesday said that five people disguised themselves as mango sellers, stealing telephones and other electronic gadgets worth ₹ 1.53 Crore. The police have arrested two, and the search for three others is ongoing.

According to police officers, the defendant who came from Jharkhand and lived in Chakan, selling mangoes in the summer. The incident occurred between 23 and 25 July in Sima Warehouse, the impression of Road, Wagholi. The warehouse owned by Pro Connect Supply Chain Solution Limited Company, which supplies various electronic gadgets throughout West Maharashtra.

The arrested people have been identified as Abdul Abujar Sheikh (20) and Abedar Mujuphul Sheikh (34) both from the Sahebganj District, Jharkhand. The search for other defendants- Sultan Abdul Sheikh (32), Abubakar Abhujar Sheikh (23) and Rabinul Muntu Sheikh (22) are underway.

According to officials, Sultan Abdul Sheikh (32) came to Pune during the summer and sold mangoes. Meanwhile, he did a variety of warehouses. When the season ended, he called his aides from Jharkhand to carry out his robbery plan.

Lonicand police officers stated that police, Sai Rokade and Kailas Salunkhe received information borne by five people who carried weapons to rob a place near the Khandoba Mall area in Lonikand. Acting on it, the police formed a team and arrested two, while the other three fled.

Only during the investigation that the police found their involvement in telephone and gadget robbery worth ₹ 1.53 Crore from Wagholi. Police found 197 cellphones, three laptops, seven I and other valuable electronic gadgets.

Jadhav’s flock, Assistant of the Police Inspector at the Lonicand Police Station who was investigating this case said, “We are trying to get information about other defendants. The defendant has been ordered under the section related to the robbery. We suspect that three other people might have fled to Bangladesh through Western Bengal. “

Cases under section 399 (making preparations for dacoity), 402 (gathering for the purpose of conducting dacoity) from the Criminal Code India (IPC), prohibition orders based on section 37 (1) (3) from the Maharashtra Police Law, 1951 and the relative section From the weapons laws have been registered with the Lonikand Police Station and the Jadhav API is investigating further cases.