Video games finally won the Hugo Award. Hades, a Roguelike developed by Supergianiant Games, managed to win awards in the one-time category more than other titles such as US 2, Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, and Bashball.

The Hugo Awards have been an annual annual literary award that has been running since 1953. Since then, the award has been used to recognize prominent literary works in science fiction and fantasy genres that continue to help form and tell stories. Previously, there was never the best video game category. However, the World Science Fiction Convention decided to include it as a one-time category this year, and now also consider adding it as a permanent category, per Eurogamer.

Another winner of the Hugo Awards this year includes “The Old Guard” for the best dramatic presentation, long shape, and “The Murderbot Diaries” for the best series. You can see all the Hugo Awards 2021 winners on the official website.

Hades was originally released at the initial access in December 2018. Full release game will not come until 2020, when it was launched on the Nintendo Switch. The latest port for the game comes on August 2021 when Hades made its official debut on Playstation 4, Playstation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X / S.

In Hades, the player took Zagreus’s role when he tried to escape from the realm of his father in the lower world. Throughout his search, Zagreus worked with the gods of Olympus and his adoptive mother Nyx. When he worked through Underworld, Zagreus faced facing a face with many bosses and opening various grites that gave him access to special strength. This game is Roguelike, which means when the dead players they start from the start and have to replay through various fields of the game.

Even though it became Roguelike, Hades was packed with a background of knowledge and character who helped bring the world that Zagreus returned home. This is a modern Greek epic in the form of video games.

To celebrate the creative director of awards, Supergiant Games, Greg Kasavin, short video tweets. “I can’t make a reception speech there on behalf of the team even though [we] have a few words here,” Kasavin wrote in his tweet. He then discussed the award and what he meant to the team.