Waxing is a popular method for removing unwanted hair from the face, arms, legs, and other parts of the body. It can be used to remove both fine and coarse hairs, making it a great option for many people. But did you know that there are several different types of waxing? Let’s take a look at some of the most popular options so you can decide which one is best for you.

Hot Waxing

Hot waxing is the traditional method of waxing and is probably what most people think of when they hear the word “waxing”. It involves applying hot wax directly to the skin in a thin layer and then quickly pulling it off with cloth strips. This type of waxing results in longer-lasting results than other methods because it removes even stubborn hairs from their roots.

 However, it also tends to be more painful than other types of hair waxing for men and women because it pulls more strongly on the skin and hair follicles. 

Cold Wax Strips

Cold wax strips are becoming increasingly popular due to their ease of use and affordability. They involve pre-applied cold wax on an adhesive strip that’s simply placed on the skin and pulled off quickly with one swift motion. 

Cold wax strips don’t pull as strongly as hot or sugared waxes do so they tend to produce shorter-lasting results than other forms of face hair removal techniques; however, they are much less painful and are often used by first-timers who want to test out this type of face hair removal technique before committing to something like hot or sugared waxes.


Sugaring is another popular form of hair removal. Instead of using hot wax, sugaring uses an all-natural paste made from sugar, lemon juice, and water that’s applied in a thick layer to the skin and then pulled off with fabric strips. 

Sugaring is known to be gentler on the skin than hot wax because it doesn’t adhere as tightly to the follicles, resulting in less discomfort during removal. Additionally, since sugaring uses natural ingredients rather than synthetic ones as hot wax does, it can be safer for sensitive skin types.                                      

Everyone’s needs are different when it comes to removing unwanted body hair, so exploring different types of hair waxing for men and women is important if you’re looking for something long-lasting but not too uncomfortable. Hot or sugared waxes may be better suited for those looking for long-term results while cold wax strips may be ideal for those just starting with this type of hair removal or those with sensitive skin types who don’t want anything too intense or painful. Ultimately, only you can decide which type is best suited for your needs. 

Not a big fan of your monthly visits to the salon for waxing? Why not choose makeO’s at-home laser hair reduction treatment? All of makeO’s laser hair reduction treatments are performed by their dermatologist-trained therapists. They use modern 4-wavelength ice-cool laser technology which makes the hair removal experience seamless and causes you barely any discomfort. 

Whether you want to wax your underarms, legs, arms, chest, stomach, bikini line, or full body, makeO has a special discounted package that is simply irresistible and perfect for you!