Without drivers and artificial intelligence is the current research hotspot in the field of vehicles. Considering the cost of experiments, how to do a manned vehicle road test in a virtual environment has become a new research direction. In the experiment without the driver, the driver was asked to maintain vehicle control in the test vehicle, which was undoubtedly increasing the risk of the driver’s injury. Driving long distance not only maintains driver control against vehicles, but also reduces the risk of driver injury. At the same time, long distance drivers have good prospects in the field of cellular robotics. Scientists from the Wimi Hologram Academy of Wimi Hologram Cloud Inc., discussed in detail the development of VR -based long -distance vehicle driving technology.

With the progress of censorship and sustainable engine learning, many domestic and foreign passenger car manufacturers are aimed at developing driving driving vehicles unmanned and intelligent. The emergence of rapid autonomous vehicle driving technology has pushed industry without drivers to heat up quickly. But if the realization without drivers who are completely without the driver, and put into actual operations, there are still many technical difficulties, have not been able to achieve all the weather and driving unstructured roads, technology without drivers from initial exploration, to the development of mature technology up to Full promotion is fully popularized will take a long time.

Technology without drivers mainly faces many technical limitations such as the introduction of road conditions, vehicle control and interaction of vehicle information, and a series of social problems such as ethics, legal responsibilities and regulatory policies in stages. Introduction to road conditions and environmental perceptions based on artificial intelligence is one of the most important technologies for vehicles without drivers, which needs to identify pedestrians independently, driving vehicles and traffic lights and make appropriate assessments. However, in recent years, there have been a number of fatal accidents involving self-driving cars, asking bigger questions and challenges to the technology of introducing current road conditions.

For unmanned vehicles, information interactions between vehicles and modern transportation systems, and vehicles and vehicles are also very important. In addition, OTA as a trend in developing vehicles without drivers in the future to improve on-board programs, download speeds, scope and stability of network signals also play an important role in the safety of driving and ease of use of vehicles without drivers. From this point of view, the development of vehicles without drivers will have a long road.

Remote control technology was first proposed in the early 20th century, and with the emergence of new technology such as computer technology, wireless communication technology and sensor technology, now widely used in various fields such as sea, land and air, affecting all aspects of human life. The use of remote control technology can allow machines or equipment to reach a difficult environment that is difficult to reach, effectively reduce work costs and avoid victims. A reliable navigation, effective motion control and the acquisition of real time from the position sensor data determination is the key to vehicle remote control technology. Traditional vehicle remote control technology is through images returned from sensors and cameras that are installed by vehicles, operators analyze the current environment where vehicles are and make decisions to adjust vehicle attitudes to realize vehicle control. Because of the limited number of sensors and cameras installed in the vehicle, blind spots can appear. In addition, the sense of operator’s attendance is not strong, and the accuracy of operations is not guaranteed.

Communication technology also limits the transmission of real-time data, which makes long distance operator control over vehicle motion posture unable to make timely adjustments in accordance with environmental changes. Because long -distance vehicles can only rely on human behavior decisions to move, but operators cannot fully access vehicle and environmental information, when vehicles face unexpected conditions, lack of certain autonomy, such as assessing environmental obstacles and perceptions, leading to vehicle long distance control Long distance vehicles long -distance vehicles vehicles vehicles vehicles vehicles vehicles with vehicles long -distance vehicles vehicles vehicles vehicles vehicles vehicles with vehicles long -distance vehicles vehicles fail failure. With the development of strong engine learning, artificial intelligence and other disciplines that appear, vehicles become smarter and more autonomous, provide a new starting point for vehicle long distance driving. In addition, with the development of 5G networks, large bandwidth, ultra-low latency and ultra-high reliability making real-time data transmissions guaranteed effectively, and also provide reliable communication guarantees for vehicle long-distance drivers.

Virtual reality technology has a strong immersion, interactivity, and imagination, the 3I characteristics mentioned, and also gradually penetrate to various fields of science and technology in recent years. China, because her research is late about encouraging technology in a virtual reality environment, requires further development to gradually narrow the gaps with developing countries in new historical environments, so as to achieve more powerful and deeper virtual simulation technology. Relevant companies in China are also committed to Remote Control VR research. So far, there has been the emergence of head companies for unmanned vehicles of virtual driving research, in a relatively prominent position in the country.

Domestic and foreign research and a series of results achieved through Remote Control VR robot, robot arm, so that the VR remote control vehicle is possible. Combining the movement of human engine and long distances, operators manipulate long distance machines while long distance machines have a certain level of autonomy, thus realizing training and long distance control from the machine. Therefore, combined with virtual reality technology, integrated with the development of modern communication, and increasing the level of autonomy of certain vehicles, through the virtual environment to resolve various observations and control of vehicles, to achieve the virtual distance drivers of the vehicle, not only can effectively resolve The current guideline vehicle that faces a lack of environmental recognition, inaccuracy of vehicle autonomy control and other problems, but also to ensure vehicle safety, but also to enable operators to have deep driving experience.

1 Framework for long distance driving technology

When digital technology continues to develop, virtual drive technology based on virtual reality continues to advance. Virtual driving technology has also switched from car simulator research to applications currently in testing roads of unmanned vehicles and driver training. The virtual driving system mainly consists of a control system, visual simulation system, driving simulator and other components such as equipment and audio appearance. Among them, the control system is physical, including steering wheels, gas pedals, brake pedals and gear shift lever , so that the driver can understand the posture of vehicle motion and changes in the road environment in time. The driving simulator adjusts the vehicle’s posture in accordance with changes in vehicle posture, so that the driver’s posture is consistent with posture, enhances experience and authenticity.

The vehicle remote control system mainly includes two main parts: monitoring terminals and vehicle terminals. The main position and information of vehicle posture are collected through the determination of the position of satellite and sensor, and transmitted to the operation of monitoring operations based on the network, and the operator analyzes and assessing information and relevant instruction problems to realize the adjustment of the vehicle’s movement attitude. Remote control systems mainly transmit information through wireless networks, and the emergence of 5G networks provides a good solution for late communication.

Virtual vehicles are realized in a virtual environment by the vehicle dynamics model, road models, tire models, etc., while original vehicles are driven on the actual road. Due to the effect of modeling accuracy, to ensure virtual vehicles and real vehicles as consistently as possible with the state of bit attitude, based on an analysis of virtual driving systems and vehicle remote control systems, vehicle structure of long distance driving technology based on virtual reality is determined. In addition, information between real and virtual vehicles uses 5G technology to achieve shop floor communication. The driver controls the state of virtual vehicle movement by manipulating steering wheels, gas pedals, brake pedals and shifts and other manipulation systems, and virtual vehicles adjust the actual manipulation of vehicles through the attitude presentation to make the state of movement changes true vehicles. If the state of the vehicle is real is not consistent with the state of the virtual vehicle, data is transmitted to the attitude prediction module through the attitude correction module between the two vehicles to realize the adjustment of the actual vehicle’s attitude. At the same time, the surrounding environmental information collected by a real vehicle sensor produces a virtual environment of virtual vehicles in real time and forwards it to the visual simulation system, and feeds information to the driver through several helmet display devices, and posture information produced by the vehicle because Changes in motion posture are fed again through the driver’s seat to ensure that long -distance drivers have a feeling of driving a actual vehicle, further increasing long distance vehicles driving safety.

Operators wear VR headsets, and by observing the state of vehicle movement and the surrounding environment in the virtual environment in the headset, the operator can make an appropriate operating order to the vehicle, such as manipulating the gear shift handle to shift the teeth, control the steering wheel to make the vehicle steering, etc.,, etc., So that the state of the movement of vehicles in the real environment can be changed suitable to achieve long distance control from real vehicles. At the same time, to eliminate blind spots in the field of view, vehicles have a certain level of autonomy by installing radar and sensors on native vehicles. Compared to unmanned technology, the Virtual Remote Driver Technology of the Virtual Vehicle is not true -actually excludes people in vehicle control, but through operators remotely issued a series of control actions, and through a virtual environment to monitor and control the actual vehicle, both to reach the vehicle ” Unmanned “driving, and effectively increases the safety of driving performance of long distance vehicles, so that drivers and vehicles can be separated. The driver is separate from the vehicle, and the vehicle can be really unmanned.

2 Main Technology Analysis

1) The Technology Environment of Real Time Generation

Virtual driving environment can provide a simulation environment similar to actual driving for autonomous driving and virtual driving, and can also build a distinctive and complex driving environment. Because of its specific functions, the use of virtual reality technology to achieve real-time simulations of the drive environment and to form a multidimensional virtual drive environment, can be measured, measured and realistically very important for distant vehicle drivers. In the virtual world, the physical model of the virtual world focuses on geometric representation and does not have a realistic physical and behavior model, thus making a big difference between virtual objects and real objects. In addition, virtual reality technology is currently focusing on visual aspects, and research in hearing feedback, haptic, and forced is still relatively backward, which can cause some limitations in computer-computer interactions and reduce realism and real time. The complexity and uncertainty of the driving environment that actually makes real-time rendering from the virtual driving environment a big challenge.

2) Vehicle dynamics simulation technology based on artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is one branch of computer science, which contains more fields, including robotics, language recognition, image recognition, etc. With the deepening of artificial intelligence research, artificial intelligence gradually applied in various fields. At present, the application of artificial intelligence in vehicles is mainly used in automatic driving vehicles, to complete the recognition of visual information and vehicle language. The structure of the vehicle dynamics system is more complex, with more degrees of freedom in the system and more connections between components, which increases the difficulty describing the performance of vehicle dynamics accurately in the virtual environment. Artificial intelligence based on in -depth learning, applied to the study of vehicle dynamics simulation models, further development of vehicle dynamics simulation technology in a virtual environment is very important.

3) Cabling Detection Technology

Models in virtual scenes, including sky, soil, vehicles and other objects, do not depend on one another, in the interactive control process, perspective (virtual vehicles) can pass directly from each object. In real life, it is not possible for two objects that cannot be penetrated to have the same spatial area, so that the detection of collisions can be used to determine whether a collision has occurred between various objects in virtual scenes at certain times. However, the current collision detection technology does not meet the needs of arbitrary object detection and is still limited to regular geometric convex bodies, so it is important to study collision detection technology to meet the virtual driving environment.

4) Wireless communication technology

In the last decade, cellular communication technology has become the most widely used communication technology and is growing rapidly today. The rapid development of cellular communication technology has led to the emergence of new technology and new services. To realize the Remote Control Remote Control of Real World Vehicles in a Virtual Environment, it is necessary to send relevant data from the virtual world and real vehicles in real time and send instructions on time. Wireless communication technology such as a bridge that built a data communication road between the vehicle remote control system and the monitoring center. The use of wireless communication networks to build a vehicle remote control system has always online characteristics, extensive network coverage, low communication costs, fast data transmission, and good real-time. The real-time and rapid nature of communication technology is important to adjust the real time posture of the actual vehicle and respond to an unexpected situation. For long -distance driver vehicles, data transmission and real time images are very important. Therefore, the problem of delay and delay of wireless communication technology is the main technology. The development of wireless communication technology 5G also provides a greater possibility for the realization of long distance vehicle drivers.

3 conclusions

This paper analyzes the characteristics of drivers, virtual drivers and remote control vehicles at home and abroad, combined with driving environment variability, accuracy of vehicle dynamics simulation and immersion and interaction needs in the actual driving to improve vehicle driving safety, introduce vehicle long distance frameworks In a virtual reality environment, analyzing the main technologies related, and describing the future development brought by virtual remote drivers based on it.

Founded in August 2020, Wimi Hologram Academy was dedicated to the exploration of Holographic AI vision, and conduct research on basic science and innovative technology, driven by human vision. Holographic Science Innovation Center, in a partnership with Wimi Hologram Academy, is committed to exploring Holographic Technology AI vision that is unknown, interesting, collecting and integrating relevant global resources and superior power, promoting comprehensive innovations with scientific innovation and technology as core, and the core , dan inti, dan dan inti, dan inti, dan inti, dan dan inti, dan inti, dan dan inti, dan inti, dan inti, dan inti, dan inti, dan inti, dan inti, dan inti, dan inti, dan nucleus, and nucleus, and nucleus, and nucleus, and nucleus, and nucleus, and nucleus as nucleus, and nucleus, and nucleus as nucleus, and nucleus, and nucleus as nucleus, and nucleus as nucleus, and nucleus as nucleus and the core as the core, and the core as the core, and the core as the core, and the core as the core, and the core as the core, and innovation as the core, and core innovation, carrying out basic science and innovative technology research.