On Thursday, the film Actor Bollywood Akshay Kumar Ram Setu was trapped in controversy after BJP leader Subramanian Swamy said that he would demand the actor and organization of the Karma Media producer because it misleaded the viewer through the film. He stated that the film misinterpreted the problem of Ram Setu in the film.

“The lawsuit for compensation has been resolved by my colleague Satya Sabharwal Adv. I sued Akshay Kumar, an actor he karma for damage caused by counterfeiting in the depiction of the RAM Setu problem in their film to be released “, Members of the Subramanian Swamy Tweeted Parliament. He also added that the letters for the lawsuit were ready and prepared by his advocates.

Advocate Satya Sabharwal Meanwhile confirmed the same thing and stated that the film poster had used the SC Subramanian order. “A film based on RAM Setu has been produced by Karma Media, where the order of SC Dr. Swamy has been used as a poster. Will file a lawsuit, “he tweeted also attached a controversial poster and the current petition.

Firebrand’s leader, known for the dating controversy, expressed his great anger over this problem and confirmed that the problem of Ram Setu had been interpreted in the film. He added that the facts had been damaged in films that have not been released. In a series of tweets, he also suggested that actor Akshay Kumar could be arrested in this case. “If the actor Akshay Kumar is a foreign citizen then we can ask him to be arrested and expelled from his adopted country,” he said.

Previously, Akshay released a movie poster, which caused a mixture of the audience. While some are waiting for the premiere of the film, others have declared skepticism of the film to do justice on reality.

However, it has created buzz among the masses because of the subject of the film religion, which aims to explore the mystery around the bridge built by Lord Ram Vanar Sena to allow their journey to Lanka.