Astronomers have observed the biggest example of an object called Neutron Star, which is classified as a “black widow” which became very big by devouring most of the mass of stars trapped in unhappy cosmic wedding.

The researchers said the neutron stars, which rotate wildly in 707 times per second, have a mass of about 2.35 times greater than our sun, in a way that it is possible to maximum for such objects before they collapse to form a black hole.

Neutron star is a compact collapsed core of a big star who explodes as a supernova at the end of its life cycle. What is explained by the researchers is a very magnetic type of neutron star called pulsar which releases the electromagnetic radiation beam from its polar. When rotating, these beams emerge from the perspective of observers on earth to pulses – similar to lighthouse rotating light.

The heavier Neutron Star, which is more dense material in its essence, “said Roger Romani, Director of the Stanford University of Science and Astrophysics Center and research author of the research published this week at the Astrophysical Journal Letters.

“So, as the toughest neutron star is known, this object presents the most populous material in the universe that can be observed. If it is heavier it must collapse into the black hole, and then the items in it will be behind the horizon of the event, forever sealed from anywhere from anywhere Observation, “added Romani.

The Black Hole event is a point that there is no return outside of anything including the lights sucked in a place that cannot be repaired.

Because we do not know how the material works on this density, the existence of this neutron star is an important investigation of this physical extreme, “Romani said.

Star Neutron, who is in our Milky Way galaxy towards the constellation constellation of the star constellation and is officially named PSR J0952-0607, located about 20,000 light years from Earth, Romani said. One light year is the distance of light in a year, 5.9 trillion miles (9.5 trillion km). The researchers learned it using the Keck I telescope in Hawaii.

Stars that about eight or more times the mass of the sun convert hydrogen into a heavier element through the thermonuclear fusion in their core. When they build about 1.4 times the mass of our sun in iron, the core collapsed into a neutron star which only had a diameter of the city, with the rest exploded in a supernova explosion.

The problem is very compact so that the number of sugar cubes will exceed Mount Everest.

This neutron star inhabits what is called a binary system, in orbit with other stars. Neutron stars are the type nicknamed “Black Widow,” named in honor of a female black widow’s profit that eats their male partner after marriage.

It seems born with the usual neutron star mass, about 1.4 times from our sun, but the boiled material of gravity from its companion star, allows it to grow into a mass that seems to be at the top limit before physics will determine the collapse of a collapse into a black hole, the most dense of all known objects.

The companion star has been stripped of almost naked, losing maybe 98% of his mass to Black Widow, leaving it for about 20 times the largest planet mass on the largest planet Jupiter – far for its original size.

This has swallowed almost a Mass full of sun without being a black hole. So it must only be on the edge of the black hole collapsed, “said Romani.