Automation of some tasks – worldly or vice versa – quickly becomes part of our daily routine. There is a digital assistant who will open the door, draw curtains, scan body temperature, warm the toilet chair or even calm a sick heart if you want it, all on your orders. Just say, “I feel low” for your Apple, Google or Amazon assistant and you will know what I mean. But if it is only the efficiency you are looking for, these three ecosystems promise a lot of home automation gadgets that make daily tasks without demanding too much intervention or human investment. Here are some smart devices that you might want to add to your home.

1. Devices with Virtual Assistant

Amazon, Google and Apple, with virtual assistant technology they have designed the automation interface for devices that will make almost every household task – from home safety to turning on and turning off lights – can be accessed through voice commands or remotely. Alexa, Google Assistant and Siri will do everything starting from reading the news, reminding you of the event and the promise of meeting and making and tracking your shopping list to even preparing your arrival at home by turning AC, brewing a cup of coffee and even feeding you strokes. Remember to choose the equipment that suits the ecosystem of your choice by checking its compatibility on the specifications sheet. A good internet connection is also a must.

2. Smart lamp

Lighting controlled by motion is a perfect lighting solution for lobbying, storage space, bathroom, etc., if you are the type that often forgets to turn off the lights. But you can raise bets with smart lights for more prominent areas such as living rooms/beds, sitting and kitchen. These lights can be paired with a motion sensor or controlled through an application or digital assistant to change the color and brightness to adjust or match the mood you want. They can also be scheduled to live or die at certain times, save electricity. Such smart lights are also available in various forms – lights, tube lights and even flexible strips – make it very flexible.

3. Automatic irobotes and cleansers

Remember the adorable M-O BOT cleaning from Wall-e which is the only purpose to keep things clean? You can have the same companion house – at least those who will have the same intention for cleanliness, even if it is not adorable. Brands -brand like irobot, Haier and Eureka Forbes Robot Robot Vakuum who will clean the upper floor of your command or at the scheduled time. They only need to map home once and use sensors to avoid obstacles so you can leave them to their business without worrying.

4. Drops irrigation systems for plants

Pandemic gave birth to many new plants parents, but with most of us continuing work or revenge that travels, our home plants feel the burden of all. Trust basketball (online gardening shop) has improvements. Their DIY irrigation kit will allow you to regulate the drip irrigation system at home up to 100 factories. You can set the system depending on the layout of your garden. All you need is a tap to make it work. There is also a system that is operated with strength by Kollea that will monitor how much water the plant gets, making sure you do not supervise them.