Following the popularity of his cellular application, Duckduckgo has announced that they want to bring a browser that focuses on privacy to desktop users. The company announces a desktop browser in a post that looks back on things reached throughout 2021.

The head between the achievement is the release of the All-in-One Privacy Browser. This application is available on Android and iOS, and offers a complete exploration experience next to several other famous features such as blocking trackers and search repairs that protect your personal data. This application also includes what is called DuckDuckGo fire button, which deletes all your browsing history, cookies, and tracking data with one push button.

2021 is a year of milestone history for the company. Duckduckgo previously celebrated a search milestone at the beginning of the year; It is said that this application is now one of the most downloaded applications on the Google Play Store and only the second for Chrome on the IOS App Store. The company also said that currently an average of more than 100 million day searches and the latest surveys show that 9% Americans (more than 27 million) use Duckduckgo to search on the web.

DuckDuckGo desktop applications will cover all the features that have been offered in their mobile apps, including some of the current new features in beta testing such as application tracking protection, which blocks third-party trackers from applications such as Google and Facebook.

Another part of the significant changes offered by the Duckduckgo Desktop application includes the updated search results page. The company said that it has improved the way the page is visible and works to provide simpler and refined search engines for people to use. In addition, Duckduckgo said that he wanted to “redefine user expectations from everyday online privacy.”

It hopes to do this by offering a series of privacy protection features in depth that works by default in your search, your regular search, your email, and more. The company said he wanted to surpass only sending other “Privacy Browsers” and instead offering applications that respect user privacy in all aspects of your online use.

The current desktop application is under development, and DuckDuckGo says it doesn’t use Google Chromium engines like other browsers in the past. Instead, it will use the rendering machine provided by the OS to make applications that function without much unnecessary chaos. The company said that the initial test was promising and that the application has proven faster than Google Chrome.