You must have heard of the mystery of Oak Island which is displayed in the series ‘Curse of Oak Island’ with 8 seasons. Don’t you wonder how skilled and enchanting the graphics? It’s all the Craig Tester technique that works with who is also a businessman. This resonable personality disrupts a lot of charming properties described further. Continue to read!

About Craig

Curse ‘curse of Oak Island’ who was famous for Craig and his friends who appeared on the historical channel that objected to the Roll-Up of Oak Island’s mystery. It is believed to have assets hidden on the island 200 years ago. This can be a big success because of Craig’s contribution. Not only this but he is also a businessman along with a mechanical engineer. He is an expert in areas such as drilling and excavation that has given a great emphasis on documentaries.

Craig’s Life and Family

Glendale, a city in New York is where Robert and Eleanor Tester lives and they are blessed with a child named Craig in 1961. February 16 is his birthday. He finished his school at the center of Montcalm. He attended Delta Upsilon College. It all started here as Craig and his roommate Marty began working on a documentary. They both have great bonds between them. Then he pursued his technique at BS mechanics. This is through the University of Michigan University.

Rebecca was a Craig couple, blessed with a child, Drake Tester but unfortunately in 2017 he died of epilepsy. He almost felt like everything ended up with his son’s expiration and he even wanted to get out of his documentary. But then he continued his duties in the documentary and also emerged with the related series in 2020. He fortunately had two stepchildren after Drake.

Career And Achievements

After he finished his BS, he planned to invest in the oil business and machine engineering. His expertise is good enough when it comes to techniques because he can have a basis for his career. He released his documentary in 2014 named ‘Kurukan Oak’. The others included ‘drill down’ 2016 and the latest ‘surpassed Oak Island’. He is associated with Oak Island Tours Inc. It is subject to most land on Oak Island, which is a tourism place.

Facts About Craig

  • It is claimed that Craig owns some part of the land in Oak Island.
  • His younger goal was to be a wrestler.
  • He also holds the seat of Vice-president at Heritage Sustainable Energy, a turbine company in Michigan. Marty Lagina is the owner of the company.

Net Worth

$ 5 million is the estimated total income originating from engineering and business. Most are through his documentary.